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Water Damage Restoration in Frisco, TX

24/7 Water Damage Clean-up and Repair Services

Looking for water damage restoration specialists in Frisco or the surrounding area? As homeowners like you, we know dealing with any amount of water damage isn't fun. It's stressful and probably leaves you anxious about what happens next. That's where  ServiceMaster Restore by Restoration Specialists - Frisco comes in.

It's common to not know what to do next, but we do. We're IICRC certified and follow the standards set by the IICRC from start to finish. For your peace of mind, our Frisco water damage restoration company is available 24/7, 365 days a year to take your call. Water damage doesn't wait, and neither do we. When you need help, we're here and will help you rebuild.

Need professional water damage repair in Frisco, TX? Give us a call at (214) 855-7782 orreach out to us online to get started. We're here night and day!

What You Can Expect From Our Frisco Water Damage Restoration Process

A ServiceMaster Restore water damage tech removing water from a customer's kitchen

The first step is scheduling your initial assessment. From there, we'll meet with you at your home to assess the damage. We'll put together a game plan for how we'll restore your home to its pre-loss state. Our IICRC-certified technicians follow a well-defined process to ensure efficient and effective restoration.

Here are the key steps to the water restoration process:

  • Water Damage Removal & Mitigation. First, we need to remove the water and prevent any further water damage. This is known as water damage mitigation, or removal. We'll identify the source of the issue and take immediate action to stop further damage. We use advanced equipment to remove standing water. We'll also remove damaged materials to prevent mold growth and structural issues.
  • Drying. We use professional-grade dehumidifiers and air movers to dry the affected areas. We'll strategically place these tools to optimize airflow and accelerate the drying process. We'll monitor humidity levels and make necessary adjustments to ensure everything is dry.
  • Monitoring. Throughout the restoration process, we continuously monitor the moisture levels. This helps ensure that the affected areas are adequately dried. This helps prevent any residual moisture from causing further damage or mold growth.
  • Restoration (Repairs & Construction). Once the affected areas are completely dry, our team focuses on the restoration phase. We work closely with you to develop a customized plan for repairs and reconstruction. Our skilled technicians handle everything from minor repairs to major reconstruction. Regardless of the damage, we'll ensure that your property is restored to its pre-loss condition.

Our IICRC certified technicians will provide professional and reliable water damage restoration services. At ServiceMaster Restore by Restoration Specialists - Frisco, we prioritize your satisfaction. Our whole team will strive to deliver prompt, efficient, and high-quality Frisco restoration solutions.

Call us at (214) 855-7782 today or contact us online to book your water Damage restoration service in Frisco, TX. We're available around the clock to take your call!

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How long does the water damage restoration process take?

The length of the restoration process will depend on the extent of the damage, the size of the affected area, and the type of water damage. Generally, the process can take anywhere from one to five days.

  • How likely is mold to grow after water damage?

There is a good chance that you will see some signs of mold growth within a few days or weeks. The longer you leave it untreated, the worse the problem will become and the higher risk you'll face for developing health problems from exposure to mold spores.

  • What should be done immediately after water damage?

The first step after experiencing water damage is to turn off the water source, if applicable. This can be done by turning off the main valve or shutting off the water to the affected area. Then, you can assess the damage and remove any standing water. By mopping or using towels you can dry the affected areas as best as possible.

After the initial cleanup, it is important to contact our experts. We will assess the full extent of the damage, provide a thorough cleaning, prevent further damage, and provide advice on how you can also prevent future water damage. Finally, it is important to take pictures of the affected areas, and the sources of the water. These will be important when filing an insurance claim.